Abnormal is normal

Her name is Rosy. That is how she was fondly called. From the day I remember, I have seen her walking in a different way. She had an abnormality while walking and wore slippers at home. She had two pairs - black and white; white was used at home and the black while going out which was very rare indeed. They were custom-made slippers with a heel lift in one. Does it mean her two legs are structurally unequal? Was it congenital or due to any leg fracture? She sits on the floor in a different posture. Does she have a hip injury? Or does she have any terminal illness? Somebody said she fell down when she was ten years old and was hospitalised for a year and after which Rosy’s walk changed. Someone else said Rosy woke up one day with high fever with serious infection after which she lost her walk. And yet another said Rosy was given two choices either to possess a normal walk and depend on others for her work or have an abnormal work and do her chores on her own. Rosy chose the latter.
Yes, Rosy cannot play with me or walk equally with me. Rosy cannot accompany me to the school. Rosy cannot board in a bus or train with me. She cannot cycle or even sit in the pillion. Her seat has to be adjusted while using the car. But she never complained; she was determined to do all her work on her own. She managed too many things without support and had a refreshing outlook always. Her dexterity in stitching, cooking, knitting, using electronic gadgets has always amazed everyone.  She tries her best to keep on doing something even if it was very challenging. At some occasions, she was fine to receive help and never succumbed to depression  
 Rosy is old now. She accepted the fact and revelled the decision she had taken. I have not asked Rosy about her disability because I am used to Rosy’s walking this way. I understood that the abnormality to others eyes is her normal. She embraced it. She normalized her abnormality through her sheer optimism and curiosity.  And Rosy is my mother.


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