I am waiting.....

I am an anxious mother awaiting the results of plus two marks of my son. I was not so two years back when he took his tenth board exams. I was pretty cool with only slight jitters on the day before his social exams when he slashed a glued page which was waiting to be opened right from the day he bought. On the day of result announcement, I experienced anxiety, tension, churning of stomach and heart palpitations for the first time, when many of my friends surrounded me to know the result while opening cbse.nic.in website. Goodness Gracious… And soon after that I had plethora of calls not just from my well-wishers, but from people whom I lost touch years back. My former not so friendly neighbour, quarrelsome next street aunty, distant relatives, faraway friends and many numbers not in my contact list started calling me. Some were little disappointed with his decent marks (probably they expected much less considering his carefree attitude), few commented that he could have performed still better (with an intelligent mother around), a handful mentioned that any Tom, Dick and Harry could get such marks in tenth while plus two exams are more threatening. 

Now after two years, the dreadful date (not the exams but the date of results) is fast approaching. I have reasons for losing my coolness. My son was messing up in school with single digit marks for the past two years, but consoling me with biographies of successful people (who were failures and school drop outs). I am worried now both for his marks and for the number of calls I am going to receive on that day and days after. On top of this, I took
almost a year off to be with him in his crucial year (loads of sarcastic comments). One
fine day, God sent me an angel and made me realize that I should find the courage to let
go of what I cannot change. There is life beyond marks; Yes, let me face the truth even if
it is bitter. I made up my mind only to give unconditional love and support to my son
whatsoever be the marks and I also made up my mind to face the calls and reveal the
marks without any embarrassment. 

Dear friends and folks, I am waiting …. Do call me …

Not so anxious mother!


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