Twin Goals Please....

World Environment Day June 5, 2021 (Dr.M.Devasena) Twin goals Please…. Do we still hold World Environment Day and Sustainable Development Goals as our priority? May be not. We are only holding our breath to stay safe. Certainly during the lockdown times, we witnessed improvement in air and surface water quality, reduced road traffic, critically endangered Dolphins were spotted back in the Ganga River, flamingos gathered in the city of Mumbai, Olive Ridley Turtles were seen on the shores of Rushikuliya in Orissa and mountain goats starting roaming freely in North Wales. Also, radical changes were brought even in our own life style. Now, don’t just jump to conclusions… Post lockdown and post pandemic, we will go back to our old style. Consumption would increase, industries would compete, Government interventions would aim for accelerating the economy, we will consume more and more and give the fragile Environment the least thought. We will forget the carrying capacity of natu...