There’s this boy who stole my heart. He calls me Amma! To my impatient boy … who wants tomorrow to happen yesterday….Today (13th October) is a day you’ve waited for … Don’t rush it. Be 21 and then 22, and on and on and on……. As your mother, I want the best for you and want to see the best in all that you do. I would like to see you a bit more mature, with a mind fairly clear, and choose the right path in the making of your future career. God, in some form, will help you fix every odd you might have gotten yourself into and will lead you to perfection. Be proactive; begin with the end in mind; sharpen the saw; magnify your talents and find your niche. May you be transformed into a fair and regarded individual and receive unceasing bliss from everyone! Sometimes I miss that little boy, the one who used to play with cars ranging in sizes and colors spread all over the bed, the one who was fond of Power rangers; the one who was delighted with The Adventures of TinTin, Blist...